Фотографии и отзывы.

В этом разделе можно увидеть тысячи фотографий более 100 моделей катеров с успешно установленными вышками MonsterTower. Это фотографии вышек, установленных своими руками, присланные благодарными клиентами в адрес компании MonsterTower. С помощью этих фотографий можно получить представление о способах установки на различные катера и внешнем виде катера после установки. Для просмотра выберите модель вышки и модель катера.

Фотографии катеров Bayliner с вышкой MT2 (всего 11 фото).

John S's Bayliner with MT2 Tower
We love the tower and find it easier to pull wakeboarders.

John S's Bayliner with an MT2 Monster Tower
We love the tower and find it easier to pull wakeboarders.

Michael M's Bayliner185 with an MT2 Monster Tower
Looks great and easy to install took two guys 3 1/2 hours.

Joseph P's Bayliner MT2 Monster Tower Folded
Thank you for all the great advice and the Monster Tower, it looks great. I feel pretty good about it, it is quiet and strong and once all the prep work was done took about 3 hours to put in place and drill in the stabilizing bolts in the upper junctions. Great instructions too, you guys know what you are doing. Keep up the good work.

Joseph P's Bayliner MT2 Monster Tower Folded
Thank you for all the great advice and the Monster Tower, it looks great. I feel pretty good about it, it is quiet and strong and once all the prep work was done took about 3 hours to put in place and drill in the stabilizing bolts in the upper junctions. Great instructions too, you guys know what you are doing. Keep up the good work.

Joseph P's Bayliner with MT2 Monster Tower
Thank you for all the great advice and the Monster Tower, it looks great. I feel pretty good about it, it is quiet and strong and once all the prep work was done took about 3 hours to put in place and drill in the stabilizing bolts in the upper junctions. Great instructions too, you guys know what you are doing. Keep up the good work.

John S's Bayliner
We love the tower and find it easier to pull wakeboarders.

Connie H's Bayliner 195
We installed in about 4 hours. No trouble at all with the installation

Connie H's Bayliner
We installed in about 4 hours. No trouble at all with the installation

Eric G's Bayliner 175
The installation seemed daunting at first, but once we actually got into it was actually pretty easy. We used aluminum backing plates in addition to the plates supplied to make sure it stayed on the boat. The tower has been used for one summer and everything has worked great.

Bayliner - Mike B's 2000 Bayliner 2050 LX
I found the installation of the tower was fairly easy, the tower works great and we love it.

Катера с вышкой MTK

Correct CraftCrownlineGlastronGrewHurricane
MB SportMontereyReinellRinkerRio
Sea DooSea RaySki SangerSki SupremeStingray

Катера с вышкой MT1

AkanoAmerican SkierAnglerArmadaAvenger
Boston WhalerBryantCalabriaCampionCaravelle
ChaparralCheckmateChris CraftChris CraftCobalt
Correct CraftCrownlineCruise CraftCSB HuntsmanDeltacraft
Doral EbbtideElan (Holland)EliminatorExtreme
Fiber FormFlectcherFourWinnsGalaxyGambler
GekkoGlasconGlastronGrewGW Invader
Haines HunterHallettHurricaneHurricaneHydrodyne
MarlinMarlinMasterCraftMaxumMB Sports
RogueSangerSea DooSea RaySea Sprite
SilverlineSki BrendellaSki CenturionSki ChallengerSkiCraft
Ski KatanaSki RifficSki SupremeSportique (UK)Starcraft
StingraySuccess CraftSugar SandSunBirdSundowner
TigeToyotaTriton Bass BoatUltraVIP
ViperWebbcraftWellcraftWhite SharkYamaha

Катера с вышкой MT2

BaylinerCelebrityCenturionChaparralChris Craft
CobaltCorrect CraftCrownlineEbbtideFour Winns
Sea-DooSea RayStarcraftStingraySupra