Фотографии и отзывы.

В этом разделе можно увидеть тысячи фотографий более 100 моделей катеров с успешно установленными вышками MonsterTower. Это фотографии вышек, установленных своими руками, присланные благодарными клиентами в адрес компании MonsterTower. С помощью этих фотографий можно получить представление о способах установки на различные катера и внешнем виде катера после установки. Для просмотра выберите модель вышки и модель катера.

Фотографии катеров Starcraft с вышкой MT1 (всего 9 фото).

Starcraft - Jeff Grunow's 1988 Starcraft 170 - Installed by Ski World in Orlando, FL
Next spring I will send you some more with some hotties. When you post these pics on the web, please recognize Ski World Orlando, they did a hell of a job with the install. That's my own Bimini that I had made a year ago and it fits perfect with the Tower! The drunk guy on the Bow is giving the Monster Tower sign! You have a few more fans now. O ya, Ski World said something about I would receive a Monster Tower T-Shirt if I send pictures of the boat in.

Starcraft - Aubrey Vandergaag's Starcraft

Starcraft - The Cochrane's 2000 Starcraft LS2010

Starcraft - The Cochrane's 2000 Starcraft LS2010
First wakeboard tower on Moosehead Lake in Maine...And it's a Monster! Customer photos and on-line installation manual were instrumental in determining that, first of all, that I wanted “this” tower and second, that I could Install it myself. Thanks for providing a great product that's priced right as well!

Starcraft - Lee Schwartz's 1975 Starcraft Super Sport 22
This is an all aluminum boat with a 165 hp Mercruiser I/O. I was very pleased with the detail in your installation instructions and the overall quality of the parts. I had to be a little bit creative to strengthen the mounting points on the deck since it is only sheet aluminum. I used 3”w x 3/8” thick x 24” long aluminum flat stock, which was glued with polyurethane adhesive to the underside of the deck. It was all clamped together with the provided Monster Tower hardware by drilling through the deck and the backer plate. It seems to have worked out well resulting in a very strong assembly. I am very pleased with how the total package turned out and have been getting many compliments on the new look for the old boat.

Starcraft - Rick Olson's Starcraft
I just wanted to say that it was a pretty easy job that I managed to do single handed.

Starcraft - Scott Sabolich's 2004 Starcraft 2210 Aururo I/O

Starcraft - B. Rolader's Starcraft

Starcraft - B. Rolader's Starcraft

Катера с вышкой MTK

Correct CraftCrownlineGlastronGrewHurricane
MB SportMontereyReinellRinkerRio
Sea DooSea RaySki SangerSki SupremeStingray

Катера с вышкой MT1

AkanoAmerican SkierAnglerArmadaAvenger
Boston WhalerBryantCalabriaCampionCaravelle
ChaparralCheckmateChris CraftChris CraftCobalt
Correct CraftCrownlineCruise CraftCSB HuntsmanDeltacraft
Doral EbbtideElan (Holland)EliminatorExtreme
Fiber FormFlectcherFourWinnsGalaxyGambler
GekkoGlasconGlastronGrewGW Invader
Haines HunterHallettHurricaneHurricaneHydrodyne
MarlinMarlinMasterCraftMaxumMB Sports
RogueSangerSea DooSea RaySea Sprite
SilverlineSki BrendellaSki CenturionSki ChallengerSkiCraft
Ski KatanaSki RifficSki SupremeSportique (UK)Starcraft
StingraySuccess CraftSugar SandSunBirdSundowner
TigeToyotaTriton Bass BoatUltraVIP
ViperWebbcraftWellcraftWhite SharkYamaha

Катера с вышкой MT2

BaylinerCelebrityCenturionChaparralChris Craft
CobaltCorrect CraftCrownlineEbbtideFour Winns
Sea-DooSea RayStarcraftStingraySupra