Фотографии и отзывы.

В этом разделе можно увидеть тысячи фотографий более 100 моделей катеров с успешно установленными вышками MonsterTower. Это фотографии вышек, установленных своими руками, присланные благодарными клиентами в адрес компании MonsterTower. С помощью этих фотографий можно получить представление о способах установки на различные катера и внешнем виде катера после установки. Для просмотра выберите модель вышки и модель катера.

Фотографии катеров Yamaha с вышкой MT1 (всего 21 фото).

Yamaha - Jon Donais Yamaha LS2000
These are some pictures of our boat after we spent 2hrs installing one of your towers. It took a while for me to decide were to put the tower because I wanted to use the factory Bimini. It works great and we are very satisfied.

Yamaha - Jon Donais Yamaha LS2000
These are some pictures of our boat after we spent 2hrs installing one of your towers. It took a while for me to decide were to put the tower because I wanted to use the factory Bimini. It works great and we are very satisfied.

Yamaha - Kevin Dunn's Yamaha LS2000
Thanks for offering a nice looking, great performing tower at more than half the cost of other tower manufacturers. If it wasn't for Monster I probably wouldn't have a tower right now.

Yamaha - Bob Munson's 2003, 23' Yamaha SR230 JetBoat installed by Midwest MasterCraft

Yamaha - Bob Munson's 2003, 23' Yamaha SR230 JetBoat installed by Midwest MasterCraft

Yamaha - Shigeru Mizutani's '98 Yamaha Exciter 1430TR

Yamaha - Dave Steffes's 2004 Yamaha SX230
Just completed the tower install on my boat. Two big questions I had were whether the tower would collapse into the back seat and work with my existing bimini. As you can see, I was able to accomplish both goals with your tower, and I didn’t have to make any modifications to the bimini. Thanks again for a great product.

Yamaha - Rex Macey's Yamaha SR230

Yamaha - Adrian Musolf's Yamaha
Summer is here and I'm finally done! Installation was a snap...tower is as quiet as can be.

Yamaha - Adrian Musolf's Yamaha

Yamaha - Steve Shinstrom's Yamaha SX 230

Yamaha - Steve Shinstrom's Yamaha SX 230

Yamaha - Jake H's Yamaha LS 2000
Installation was a snap (about 1 1/2 hrs with some assistance from my brother) and it looks great. As a former fabricator, the workmanship is far superior to a lot of the other products I've seen. The double barrel speakers also fit nicely and the quick connection mounting is unbeatable for trailering. Thanks again for a great product and quality customer service!

Yamaha - Jake H's Yamaha LS 2000
Installation was a snap (about 1 1/2 hrs with some assistance from my brother) and it looks great. As a former fabricator, the workmanship is far superior to a lot of the other products I've seen. The double barrel speakers also fit nicely and the quick connection mounting is unbeatable for trailering. Thanks again for a great product and quality customer service!

Yamaha - Jake H's Yamaha LS 2000
Installation was a snap (about 1 1/2 hrs with some assistance from my brother) and it looks great. As a former fabricator, the workmanship is far superior to a lot of the other products I've seen. The double barrel speakers also fit nicely and the quick connection mounting is unbeatable for trailering. Thanks again for a great product and quality customer service!

Yamaha - Jake H's Yamaha LS 2000
Installation was a snap (about 1 1/2 hrs with some assistance from my brother) and it looks great. As a former fabricator, the workmanship is far superior to a lot of the other products I've seen. The double barrel speakers also fit nicely and the quick connection mounting is unbeatable for trailering. Thanks again for a great product and quality customer service!

Matt D's Yamaha
We have been on the lake once since purchasing this tower and my boy loves it.  Pops him right up out of the water.  The pull angle is so much better for tricks.  Took about two hours to install and three to decide where to put it. Thanks for prompt delivery and a great product.

Jacob's Yamaha

Jacob G's 98 Yamaha Exciter

Jacob G's 98 Yamaha Exciter

S Bailey's Yamaha
the construction of the Monster Tower is excellent. Heavy tubing, billet components. I had a buddy help with the install, and once we got started it only took about 3 hours. The install on these model Yamaha’s are complicated by the lack of access to mount the rear base mounting brackets. I had to pay my 11 year old daughter $20 to crawl down the sealed gunnels to reach the stainless bolts and hold a wrench on them to install. Were it not for her, I would have had to cut holes in the sides and mount additional speakers after I used them to access the hardware. I used your photo gallery to assess where the best mounting locations were. It is purely personal preference, but I think the tower mounted on the top looks much cleaner and more in tune with the lines of the boat.

Катера с вышкой MTK

Correct CraftCrownlineGlastronGrewHurricane
MB SportMontereyReinellRinkerRio
Sea DooSea RaySki SangerSki SupremeStingray

Катера с вышкой MT1

AkanoAmerican SkierAnglerArmadaAvenger
Boston WhalerBryantCalabriaCampionCaravelle
ChaparralCheckmateChris CraftChris CraftCobalt
Correct CraftCrownlineCruise CraftCSB HuntsmanDeltacraft
Doral EbbtideElan (Holland)EliminatorExtreme
Fiber FormFlectcherFourWinnsGalaxyGambler
GekkoGlasconGlastronGrewGW Invader
Haines HunterHallettHurricaneHurricaneHydrodyne
MarlinMarlinMasterCraftMaxumMB Sports
RogueSangerSea DooSea RaySea Sprite
SilverlineSki BrendellaSki CenturionSki ChallengerSkiCraft
Ski KatanaSki RifficSki SupremeSportique (UK)Starcraft
StingraySuccess CraftSugar SandSunBirdSundowner
TigeToyotaTriton Bass BoatUltraVIP
ViperWebbcraftWellcraftWhite SharkYamaha

Катера с вышкой MT2

BaylinerCelebrityCenturionChaparralChris Craft
CobaltCorrect CraftCrownlineEbbtideFour Winns
Sea-DooSea RayStarcraftStingraySupra