Фотографии и отзывы.

В этом разделе можно увидеть тысячи фотографий более 100 моделей катеров с успешно установленными вышками MonsterTower. Это фотографии вышек, установленных своими руками, присланные благодарными клиентами в адрес компании MonsterTower. С помощью этих фотографий можно получить представление о способах установки на различные катера и внешнем виде катера после установки. Для просмотра выберите модель вышки и модель катера.

Фотографии катеров BlueWater с вышкой MT1 (всего 21 фото).

Kyle Tracy's Bluewater
I bought my boat last summer but it just wasn't good enough without a tower so after looking into other towers I was impressed with the monster tower so I decided to get one from a local dealer. My father, a friend, and I easily installed it and it works great. My friends and I go multiple times a week in the summer and I can't wait to use it again this summer. I remember reading something about getting a free shirt if we send in a picture of the tower on my boat so I was wondering if that was still possible to get. That would be awesome. Thanks for creating a great product

The Baughman Family of Eugene Oregon's Bluewater

The Baughman Family of Eugene Oregon's Bluewater

The Baughman Family of Eugene Oregon's Bluewater
We love your tower and it is everything you said it would be. It is very quiet and most of all very cool. I want to thank everyone at monster tower and especially Willie and his father for the great install job that they did. thanks!

Jim's Bluewater Mirage
Looks good and easy to install

Phil Snodgrass's New 2003 Bluewater Vision SE

Phil Snodgrass's New 2003 Bluewater Vision SE
I installed my Monster Tower on my new 2003 BlueWater Vision SE over the weekend. The install instructions were easy to use and the installation was quick and easy. I used the tower for the first time today…totally stiff and totally silent. You have an awesome product at an awesome price and it looks great as well. Also thanks for answering all my questions so quickly. Awesome product at an awesome price!

Steve Robbins 2001 Bluewater Malibu

Steve Robbins 2001 Bluewater Malibu
I shopped for several months online and at boat stores before buying the monster tower. I am so stoked with the final product and how it looks and performs!!!! The installation went smoothly and the only hard part was drilling that first hole in my beautiful boat (boats are not supposed to have holes!!)!!!! The tower is strong, silent, and folds down flat enough to allow my standand boat cover to still be used. Best of all it makes my boat look even better than before. Excellent tower at an unreal price, and unmatched customer service. Thanks to the entire staff

Walt Leonard's 1990 Bluewater Pro Am Skier

Walt Leonard's 1990 Bluewater Pro Am Skier
Well here it is and I can't tell You how happy I am with it. I get compliments every time I go to the lake and three of my friends have also bought the tower after seeing how great it looks and performs on my boat

David Crumley's Bluewater

Jon Brill's 2001 Bluewater

D.J. Rhoades 1998 Bluewater “Monte Carlo”
After weeks searching for the right tower we went with the Monster Tower. And our end results are complete satisfaction. This tower is very solid with no rattles whatsoever. Folding it down is simple and quick. The customer service at Monster Tower kicks a-- just as much as the Tower does. Thank you very much for such a great product.

Bart Mallinson's 2005 Bluewater Breeze

John Armet's 1995 Bluewater Riveria

Rick Barsby's 1995 Bluewater Mirage

Rick Barsby's 1995 Bluewater Mirage
I put the tower on a 1995 Bluewater Mirage and its awesome! I'm 240 pounds and that tower doesn't so much as squeak, and believe me I torque the boat hard

Josh M's 1999 Bluewater Mirage
I love it!

A Villasana's 1992 Bluewater Eagle
My new tower , the MT1 came with an awesome package deal ! The 2 racks the mirror and the 2 Kicker bullet speakers look amazing. The cargo bimini just snaps right in for sun relief, and as an extra space saver.

J McCowan's BlueWater

Катера с вышкой MTK

Correct CraftCrownlineGlastronGrewHurricane
MB SportMontereyReinellRinkerRio
Sea DooSea RaySki SangerSki SupremeStingray

Катера с вышкой MT1

AkanoAmerican SkierAnglerArmadaAvenger
Boston WhalerBryantCalabriaCampionCaravelle
ChaparralCheckmateChris CraftChris CraftCobalt
Correct CraftCrownlineCruise CraftCSB HuntsmanDeltacraft
Doral EbbtideElan (Holland)EliminatorExtreme
Fiber FormFlectcherFourWinnsGalaxyGambler
GekkoGlasconGlastronGrewGW Invader
Haines HunterHallettHurricaneHurricaneHydrodyne
MarlinMarlinMasterCraftMaxumMB Sports
RogueSangerSea DooSea RaySea Sprite
SilverlineSki BrendellaSki CenturionSki ChallengerSkiCraft
Ski KatanaSki RifficSki SupremeSportique (UK)Starcraft
StingraySuccess CraftSugar SandSunBirdSundowner
TigeToyotaTriton Bass BoatUltraVIP
ViperWebbcraftWellcraftWhite SharkYamaha

Катера с вышкой MT2

BaylinerCelebrityCenturionChaparralChris Craft
CobaltCorrect CraftCrownlineEbbtideFour Winns
Sea-DooSea RayStarcraftStingraySupra