Фотографии и отзывы.

В этом разделе можно увидеть тысячи фотографий более 100 моделей катеров с успешно установленными вышками MonsterTower. Это фотографии вышек, установленных своими руками, присланные благодарными клиентами в адрес компании MonsterTower. С помощью этих фотографий можно получить представление о способах установки на различные катера и внешнем виде катера после установки. Для просмотра выберите модель вышки и модель катера.

Фотографии катеров Ski Brendella с вышкой MT1 (всего 11 фото).

Ski Brendella - Mike Call's 1989 Ski Brendella

Ski Brendella - Mike Call's 1989 Ski Brendella
Bimin top fits! Front and back footings 44" apart, 76" across pivot to pivot on back footings, 60.5" across pivot to pivot on front footings and 72" from boat floor to tow point. Tower also helps so water will not pool on cover.

Ski Brendella - Fred Clifton's 1992 Ski Brendella
I love the tower and have recommended it to friends. The installation was easy and ended up exactly where I wanted it. It is solid and quiet just like I was told. An added plus is that the Aluminum tower stays cool to the touch even when out in the sun all day.

Ski Brendella - Mike Plier's Ski Brendella
The tower is Great!!!! Solid as a Rock! It's everything it's stacked up to be. The racks are awesome as well, and very light.

Ski Brendella - Sam Shiller's 21ft. 1990 Ski Brendella
Your monster tower allows me to have the boat open and even use the bimini top that we already had. Thank you for the great product.

Ski Brendella - David Watson's 1992 Ski Brendella
The installation was simple and there is zero noise. The biggest surprise, was my top fit!! One thing that I soon found out was how important covering inside the boat was. Those shavings really like carpet. Thank you very much for the service.

Ski Brendella - John Stafford’s 91 Ski Brendella

Ski Brendella - John Stafford’s 91 Ski Brendella

Ski Brendella - J. Colliness Ski Brendella

Ski Brendella - J. Colliness Ski Brendella

Steve O's 1991 21' ski brendella
Bought the tower a couple of years ago and only used it once before overhauling the boat to it's original condition.It turned out nice but the tower is the iceing on the cake.

Катера с вышкой MTK

Correct CraftCrownlineGlastronGrewHurricane
MB SportMontereyReinellRinkerRio
Sea DooSea RaySki SangerSki SupremeStingray

Катера с вышкой MT1

AkanoAmerican SkierAnglerArmadaAvenger
Boston WhalerBryantCalabriaCampionCaravelle
ChaparralCheckmateChris CraftChris CraftCobalt
Correct CraftCrownlineCruise CraftCSB HuntsmanDeltacraft
Doral EbbtideElan (Holland)EliminatorExtreme
Fiber FormFlectcherFourWinnsGalaxyGambler
GekkoGlasconGlastronGrewGW Invader
Haines HunterHallettHurricaneHurricaneHydrodyne
MarlinMarlinMasterCraftMaxumMB Sports
RogueSangerSea DooSea RaySea Sprite
SilverlineSki BrendellaSki CenturionSki ChallengerSkiCraft
Ski KatanaSki RifficSki SupremeSportique (UK)Starcraft
StingraySuccess CraftSugar SandSunBirdSundowner
TigeToyotaTriton Bass BoatUltraVIP
ViperWebbcraftWellcraftWhite SharkYamaha

Катера с вышкой MT2

BaylinerCelebrityCenturionChaparralChris Craft
CobaltCorrect CraftCrownlineEbbtideFour Winns
Sea-DooSea RayStarcraftStingraySupra